Tuesday, June 5, 2012

1206.0676 (Fedor Pavlov)

Relativistic Correction to the First Moment of the Spin-Dependent
Structure Function of the Deuteron $Γ_1^D(Q^2)$ in the Light-Cone

Fedor Pavlov
The deuteron is considered as a superposition of two-nucleon Fock states with the invariant mass depending on the relative momentum in a proton-neutron pair. The condition of the transversality of the polarization vectors should be imposed at the Fock component level and these vectors depend on the invariant mass of the Fock component. Such "running" longitudinal polarization vector was not used in early estimates of relativistic effects. The article further deals with the calculation procedure about a mean helicity of a proton in a deuteron within variables of the light cone. This article calls attention to the estimation of a relativistic correction to the mean proton helicity in a deuteron by way of application of available modern realistic deuteron wave functions. A procedure for consistent calculation of relativistic nuclear corrections to the first moment of the spin-dependent structure function of deuteron is shown.
View original: http://arxiv.org/abs/1206.0676

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