Tuesday, April 23, 2013

1304.5120 (Miloslav Svec)

Study of piN->pipiN processes on polarized targets I.: Quantum
environment and its dephasing interaction with particle scattering

Miloslav Svec

1304.5400 (Miloslav Svec)

Study of piN->pipiN processes on polarized targets II.: The prediction
of rho^0(770)-f_0(980) spin mixing

Miloslav Svec

1304.5614 (T. Abu-Zayyad et al.)

Upper limit on the flux of photons with energies above 10^19 eV using
Telescope Array surface detector

T. Abu-Zayyad, R. Aida, M. Allen, R. Anderson, R. Azuma, E. Barcikowski, J. W. Belz, D. R. Bergman, S. A. Blake, R. Cady, B. G. Cheon, J. Chiba, M. Chikawa, E. J. Cho, W. R. Cho, H. Fujii, T. Fujii, T. Fukuda, M. Fukushima, D. Gorbunov, W. Hanlon, K. Hayashi, Y. Hayashi, N. Hayashida, K. Hibino, K. Hiyama, K. Honda, T. Iguchi, D. Ikeda, K. Ikuta, N. Inoue, T. Ishii, R. Ishimori, D. Ivanov, S. Iwamoto, C. C. H. Jui, K. Kadota, F. Kakimoto, O. Kalashev, T. Kanbe, K. Kasahara, H. Kawai, S. Kawakami, S. Kawana, E. Kido, H. B. Kim, H. K. Kim, J. H. Kim, J. H. Kim, K. Kitamoto, S. Kitamura, Y. Kitamura, K. Kobayashi, Y. Kobayashi, Y. Kondo, K. Kuramoto, V. Kuzmin, Y. J. Kwon, J. Lan, S. I. Lim, S. Machida, K. Martens, T. Matsuda, T. Matsuura, T. Matsuyama, J. N. Matthews, M. Minamino, K. Miyata, Y. Murano, I. Myers, K. Nagasawa, S. Nagataki, T. Nakamura, S. W. Nam, T. Nonaka, S. Ogio, M. Ohnishi, H. Ohoka, K. Oki, D. Oku, T. Okuda, A. Oshima, S. Ozawa, I. H. Park, M. S. Pshirkov, D. C. Rodriguez, S. Y. Roh, G. I. Rubtsov, D. Ryu, H. Sagawa, N. Sakurai, A. L. Sampson, L. M. Scott, P. D. Shah, F. Shibata, T. Shibata, H. Shimodaira, B. K. Shin, J. I. Shin, T. Shirahama, J. D. Smith, P. Sokolsky, B. T. Stokes, S. R. Stratton, T. Stroman, S. Suzuki, Y. Takahashi, M. Takeda, A. Taketa, M. Takita, Y. Tameda, H. Tanaka, K. Tanaka, M. Tanaka, S. B. Thomas, G. B. Thomson, P. Tinyakov, I. Tkachev, H. Tokuno, T. Tomida, S. Troitsky, Y. Tsunesada, K. Tsutsumi, Y. Tsuyuguchi, Y. Uchihori, S. Udo, H. Ukai, G. Vasiloff, Y. Wada, T. Wong, M. Wood, Y. Yamakawa, R. Yamane, H. Yamaoka, K. Yamazaki, J. Yang, Y. Yoneda, S. Yoshida, H. Yoshii, X. Zhou, R. Zollinger, Z. Zundel

1304.5639 (Joseph Boudreau et al.)

Single top quark differential decay rate formulae including detector

Joseph Boudreau, Carlos Escobar, James Mueller, Kevin Sapp, Jun Su

1304.5657 (The BaBar Collaboration)

Measurement of the D*(2010)+ meson width and the D*(2010)+ - D0 mass

The BaBar Collaboration

1304.5748 (Jian-Rong Zhang)

Improved QCD sum rule study of $Z_{c}(3900)$ as a $\bar{D}D^{*}$
molecular state

Jian-Rong Zhang

1304.5783 (CMS Collaboration)

Measurement of masses in the t t-bar system by kinematic endpoints in pp
collisions at sqrt(s)=7 TeV

CMS Collaboration

1304.5845 (Dian-Yong Chen et al.)

Reproducing $Z_c(3900)$ through the ISPE mechanism    [PDF]

Dian-Yong Chen, Xiang Liu, Takayuki Matsuki

1304.5871 (M J Boschini et al.)

An expression for the Mott cross section of electrons and positrons on
nuclei with Z up t0 118

M J Boschini, C Consoland, M Gervasi, S Giani, D Grandi, V Ivanchenko, P Nieminem, S Pensotti, P G Rancoita, M Tacconi

1304.5996 (Ming Xu et al.)

Comparison of Thermal Neutron Detection Efficiency of $^{6}$Li
Scintillation Glass and $^{3}$He Gas Proportional Tube

Ming Xu, Zhi-Cheng Tang, Guo-Ming Chen, Jun-Quan Tao

1304.6001 (COUPP Collaboration et al.)

Direct Measurement of the Bubble Nucleation Energy Threshold in a CF3I
Bubble Chamber

COUPP Collaboration, E. Behnke, T. Benjamin, S. J. Brice, D. Broemmelsiek, J. I. Collar, P. S. Cooper, M. Crisler, C. E. Dahl, D. Fustin, J. Hall, C. Harnish, I. Levine, W. H. Lippincott, T. Moan, T. Nania, R. Neilson, E. Ramberg, A. E. Robinson, A. Sonnenschein, E. Vázquez-Jáuregui, R. A. Rivera, L. Uplegger

1304.6014 (Teppei Katori)

Meson Exchange Current (MEC) Models in Neutrino Interaction Generators    [PDF]

Teppei Katori

1304.6066 (Mads T. Frandsen et al.)

The unbearable lightness of being: CDMS versus XENON    [PDF]

Mads T. Frandsen, Felix Kahlhoefer, Christopher McCabe, Subir Sarkar, Kai Schmidt-Hoberg