Friday, April 27, 2012

1112.5675 (Michal Czakon et al.)

Top++: a program for the calculation of the top-pair cross-section at
hadron colliders

Michal Czakon, Alexander Mitov

1201.1889 (ATLAS Collaboration)

Measurement of the top quark pair production cross-section with ATLAS in
the single lepton channel

ATLAS Collaboration

1204.5743 (Elmaddin Guliyev)

Status of ASIC readout for electromagnetic calorimeter    [PDF]

Elmaddin Guliyev

1204.5746 (Riccardo Abbate et al.)

Precision Thrust Cumulant Moments at N^3LL    [PDF]

Riccardo Abbate, Michael Fickinger, Andre H. Hoang, Vicent Mateu, Iain W. Stewart

1204.5762 (C. S. Chiu et al.)

Environmental Effects on TPB Wavelength-Shifting Coatings    [PDF]

C. S. Chiu, C. Ignarra, L. Bugel, H. Chen, J. M. Conrad, B. J. P. Jones, T. Katori, I. Moult

1204.5793 (J. P. Lansberg et al.)

Quarkonium Physics at a Fixed-Target Experiment using the LHC Beams    [PDF]

J. P. Lansberg, S. J. Brodsky, F. Fleuret, C. Hadjidakis

1204.5955 (CMS Collaboration)

Observation of an excited Xi(b) baryon    [PDF]

CMS Collaboration

1204.5974 (V. D. Rusov et al.)

Comment on "Observation of electron-antineutrino disappearance at Daya

V. D. Rusov, V. A. Tarasov, S. A. Chernegenko, V. P. Smolyar

1204.6002 (M. A. Leonova et al.)

Higher Order Spin Resonances in a 2.1 GeV/c Polarized Proton Beam    [PDF]

M. A. Leonova, J. A. Askari, K. N. Gordon, A. D. Krisch, J. Liu, V. S. Morozov, D. A. Nees, R. S. Raymond, D. W. Sivers, V. K. Wong, F. Hinterberger

1204.6011 (J. Xu et al.)

A Study of the Residual 39Ar Content in Argon from Underground Sources    [PDF]

J. Xu, F. Calaprice, C. Galbiati, A. Goretti, G. Guray, T. Hohman, D. Holtz, A. Ianni, M. Laubenstein, B. Loer, C. Love, C. J. Martoff, D. Montanari, S. Mukhopadhyay, A. Nelson, S. D. Rountree, R. B. Vogelaar, A. Wright

1204.6024 (Henning O. Back et al.)

First Large Scale Production of Low Radioactivity Argon From Underground

Henning O. Back, Frank Calaprice, Christopher Condon, Ernst de Haas, Richard Ford, Cristiano Galbiati, Augusto Goretti, Tristan Hohman, Andrea Inanni, Ben Loer, David Montanari, Allan Nelson, Andrea Pocar