Tuesday, June 19, 2012

1206.3572 (Keith Hamilton et al.)

MINLO: Multi-scale improved NLO    [PDF]

Keith Hamilton, Paolo Nason, Giulia Zanderighi

1206.3709 (P. Bordalo et al.)

Control Systems: an Application to a High Energy Physics Experiment

P. Bordalo, A. S. Nunes, C. Pires, C. Quintans, S. Ramos

1206.3812 (Brian D. Serot et al.)

Neutrinoproduction of Photons and Pions From Nucleons in a Chiral
Effective Field Theory for Nuclei

Brian D. Serot, Xilin Zhang

1206.3824 (Giampiero Passarino)

Higgs Interference Effects in $\Pg \Pg \to \PZ\PZ$ and their Uncertainty    [PDF]

Giampiero Passarino

1206.3861 (Renee Fatemi for the STAR Collaboration)

Constraining Quark Transversity through Collins Asymmetry Measurements

Renee Fatemi for the STAR Collaboration

1206.3865 (Junjie Cao et al.)

Probing natural SUSY from stop pair production at the LHC    [PDF]

Junjie Cao, Chengcheng Han, Lei Wu, Jin Min Yang, Yang Zhang

1206.3878 (Andrzej J. Buras et al.)

On the Correlations between Flavour Observables in Minimal U(2)^3 Models    [PDF]

Andrzej J. Buras, Jennifer Girrbach

1206.3885 (Nicki Bornhauser et al.)

Comment on the Updated CDF "Ghost" Events    [PDF]

Nicki Bornhauser, Manuel Drees

1206.3921 (CMS Collaboration)

Search for charge-asymmetric production of W' bosons in top pair + jet
events from pp collisions at sqrt(s) = 7 TeV

CMS Collaboration

1206.3949 (CMS Collaboration)

Search for new physics in events with opposite-sign leptons, jets, and
missing transverse energy in pp collisions at sqrt(s) = 7 TeV

CMS Collaboration

1206.3954 (Ugo Amaldi)

Small-angle physics at the intersecting storage rings forty years later    [PDF]

Ugo Amaldi

1206.3955 (CDF II Collaboration)

Diffractive Dijet Production in Antiproton-Proton Collisions at
$\sqrt{s}$=1.96 TeV

CDF II Collaboration

1206.3961 (Andrzej Banburski et al.)

The Production and Discovery of True Muonium in Fixed-Target Experiments    [PDF]

Andrzej Banburski, Philip Schuster