Friday, July 13, 2012

0912.2735 (Davide Meloni et al.)

Non-standard interactions versus non-unitary lepton flavor mixing at a
neutrino factory

Davide Meloni, Tommy Ohlsson, Walter Winter, He Zhang

1112.0702 (The BABAR Collaboration)

Study of Bbar --> Xu l nubar decays in BBbar events tagged by a fully
reconstructed B-meson decay and determination of |V_{ub}|

The BABAR Collaboration

1202.6073 (Roni Harnik et al.)

Exploring nu signals in dark matter detectors    [PDF]

Roni Harnik, Joachim Kopp, Pedro A. N. Machado

1207.2849 (T. Allmendinger et al.)

Track Finding Efficiency in BaBar    [PDF]

T. Allmendinger, B. Bhuyan, D. N. Brown, H. Choi, S. Christ, R. Covarelli, M. Davier, A. G. Denig, M. Fritsch, A. Hafner, R. Kowalewski, O. Long, A. M. Lutz, M. Martinelli, D. R. Muller, I. M. Nugent, D. Lopes Pegna, M. V. Purohit, E. Prencipe, J. M. Roney, G. Simi, E. P. Solodov, A. V. Telnov, E. Varnes, R. Waldi, W. F. Wang, R. M. White

1207.2865 (BESIII collaboration)

Determination of the number of J/$ψ$ events with J/$ψ$ \rightarrow

BESIII collaboration