Monday, June 17, 2013

1305.7236 (Ryan Killick et al.)

Learning what the Higgs is mixed with    [PDF]

Ryan Killick, Kunal Kumar, Heather E. Logan

1306.3229 (Tao Han et al.)

Non-Decoupling MSSM Higgs Sector and Light Superpartners    [PDF]

Tao Han, Tong Li, Shufang Su, Lian-Tao Wang

1306.3244 (Jayden L. Newstead et al.)

The Scientific Reach of Multi-Ton Scale Dark Matter Direct Detection

Jayden L. Newstead, Thomas D. Jacques, Lawrence M. Krauss, James B. Dent, Francesc Ferrer

1306.3353 (K. J. Tien et al.)

Evidence for Semileptonic B- to p pbar l nubar Decays    [PDF]

K. J. Tien, M. Z. Wang for the Belle Collaboration

1306.3361 (Matthew Moulson et al.)

Forbidden Kaon and Pion Decays in NA62    [PDF]

Matthew Moulson, for the NA62 Collaboration

1306.3446 (F. J. Iguaz et al.)

Pattern recognition techniques to reduce backgrounds in the search for
the 136Xe double beta decay with gaseous TPCs

F. J. Iguaz, S. Cebrian, T. Dafni, H. Gomez, D. C. Herrera, I. G. Irastorza, G. Luzon, L. Segui, A. Tomas