Wednesday, February 1, 2012

1201.5896 (Ryan Gavin et al.)

W physics at the LHC with FEWZ 2.1    [PDF]

Ryan Gavin, Ye Li, Frank Petriello, Seth Quackenbush

1201.5897 (J. P. Lees et al.)

Study of CP violation in Dalitz-plot analyses of B0 --> K+K-KS, B+ -->
K+K-K+, and B+ --> KSKSK+

J. P. Lees, others

1201.5923 (Pavel Fileviez Perez et al.)

The Minimal Theory for R-parity Violation at the LHC    [PDF]

Pavel Fileviez Perez, Sogee Spinner

1201.5936 (Chung-Lin Shan)

Background effects on reconstructed WIMP couplings    [PDF]

Chung-Lin Shan

1201.5977 (Rajendran Raja)

The Capabilities of the upgraded MIPP experiment with respect to
Hypernuclear physics

Rajendran Raja

1201.6001 (Federico Sforza et al.)

Searches for Low Mass Higgs Boson at the Tevatron    [PDF]

Federico Sforza, for the CDF Collaboration, for the D0 Collaboration

1201.6026 (Florian Miconi)

Search for WH associated production at Dø Tevatron    [PDF]

Florian Miconi

1201.6041 (Gioacchino Ranucci)

On the significance of the excesses in the ATLAS diphoton and four
lepton decay channels

Gioacchino Ranucci

1201.6045 (John Ellis et al.)

A Historical Profile of the Higgs Boson    [PDF]

John Ellis, Mary K. Gaillard, Dimitri V. Nanopoulos

1201.6098 (Katsushige Kotera)

Performance of the CALICE Scintillator-Based ECAL Depending on the

Katsushige Kotera

1201.6147 (Shin-ichi Kawada et al.)

Feasibility study of measurement of Higgs pair creation in a gamma gamma

Shin-ichi Kawada, Katsumasa Ikematsu, Tohru Takahashi, Keisuke Fujii, Yoshimasa Kurihara

1201.6163 (Michal Šumbera)

Soft Physics at RHIC    [PDF]

Michal Šumbera

1201.6169 (J. Hartnell et al.)

Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay with SNO+    [PDF]

J. Hartnell, for the SNO+ collaboration

1201.6173 (Olivier Dadoun)

Positrons sources and related activities for Future Linear Collider at
LAL Orsay Laboratory

Olivier Dadoun

1201.6204 (Gian Francesco Giudice et al.)

Direct CP violation in charm and flavor mixing beyond the SM    [PDF]

Gian Francesco Giudice, Gino Isidori, Paride Paradisi

1201.6209 (Benoit Curé et al.)

CLIC Detector Main Solenoid Design & Status Report    [PDF]

Benoit Curé, Andrea Gaddi, Alain Herve

1201.6260 (Shaojun Lu et al.)

Shower Leakage Correction in a High Granularity Calorimeter    [PDF]

Shaojun Lu, for the CALICE Collaboration

1201.6268 (M. J. Charles et al.)

A search for time-integrated CP violation in D0 -> h- h+ decays    [PDF]

M. J. Charles, for the LHCb Collaboration

1201.6296 (Carlo Ewerz et al.)

The New F_L Measurement from HERA and the Dipole Model    [PDF]

Carlo Ewerz, Andreas von Manteuffel, Otto Nachtmann, Andre Schoning

1201.6311 (Alvaro Chavarria)

Solar Neutrinos in 2011    [PDF]

Alvaro Chavarria

1201.6338 (Karolos Potamianos et al.)

TOP2011 Proceedings: Top Mass Measurements at the Tevatron    [PDF]

Karolos Potamianos, for the CDF Collaboration, for the D0 Collaboration

1201.6420 (Olaf Behnke et al.)

DIS2011 Heavy Flavours Session Summary (WG5)    [PDF]

Olaf Behnke, Alan Dion, Fredrick Olness

1201.6469 (J. Marteau et al.)

Muons tomography applied to geosciences and volcanology    [PDF]

J. Marteau, D. Gibert, N. Lesparre, F. Nicollin, P. Noli, F. Giacoppo

1201.6495 (Ivanka Bozovic-Jelisavcic)

Design and R&D of very forward calorimeters for detectors at future e+e-

Ivanka Bozovic-Jelisavcic

1201.6599 (V. Lozza et al.)

Scintillator phase of the SNO+ experiment    [PDF]

V. Lozza, for the SNO+ collaboration

1201.6608 (Z. Was)

New hadronic currents in TAUOLA: for confrontation with the experimental

Z. Was

1201.6653 (Elizaveta Shabalina for CDF et al.)

\ttbar and single top cross sections at the Tevatron    [PDF]

Elizaveta Shabalina for CDF, D0 collaborations

1201.6665 (A. J. Franke et al.)

Review of Reactor Neutrino Oscillation Experiments    [PDF]

A. J. Franke, C. Mariani

1201.6677 (Vincenzo Chiochia et al.)

Heavy flavor physics with the CMS experiment    [PDF]

Vincenzo Chiochia, for the CMS Collaboration