Wednesday, August 29, 2012

1208.5484 (Jihn E. Kim)

Inverted-effective SUSY with combined Z' and gravity mediation, and muon
anomalous magnetic moment

Jihn E. Kim

1208.5506 (Geoffrey T. Bodwin)

Theory of Charmonium Production    [PDF]

Geoffrey T. Bodwin

1208.5559 (Louis Lello et al.)

Searching for sterile neutrinos from $π$ and $K$ decays    [PDF]

Louis Lello, Daniel Boyanovsky

1208.5601 (Christophe Suire et al.)

Charmonia production in ALICE    [PDF]

Christophe Suire, for the ALICE collaboration

1208.5611 (D. Parganlija et al.)

Scalar mesons in a linear sigma model with (axial-)vector mesons    [PDF]

D. Parganlija, P. Kovacs, Gy. Wolf, F. Giacosa, D. H. Rischke

1208.5614 (G. Marchiori et al.)

Search for CP violation and new physics in rare B decays at the B

G. Marchiori, for the BABAR, Belle Collaborations

1208.5630 (Jennifer Girrbach)

Correlations in Minimal U(2)^3 models and an SO(10) SUSY GUT model
facing new data

Jennifer Girrbach

1208.5688 (Lech Szymanowski)

QCD collinear factorization, its extensions and the partonic

Lech Szymanowski

1208.5690 (A. Tomás et al.)

CAST microbulk micromegas in the Canfranc Underground Laboratory    [PDF]

A. Tomás, S. Aune, T. Dafni, G. Fanourakis, E. Ferrer-Ribas, J. Galán, J. A. García, A. Gardikiotis, T. Geralis, I. Giomataris, H. Gómez, J. G. Garza, D. C. Herrera, F. J. Iguaz, I. G. Irastorza, G. Luzón, T. Papaevangelou, A. Rodríguez, J. Ruz, L. Seguí, T. Vafeiadis, S. C. Yildiz

1208.5717 (The ALICE Collaboration)

Production of K*(892)^0 and phi(1020) in pp collisions at sqrt(s)=7 TeV    [PDF]

The ALICE Collaboration

1208.5720 ("CDF Collaboration et al.)

Measurements of the Top-quark Mass and the ttbar Cross Section in the
Hadronic tau + Jets Decay Channel at sqrt(s) = 1.96 TeV

"CDF Collaboration, T. Aaltonen et al. "

1208.5723 (W. C. Haxton. R. G. Hamish Robertson et al.)

Solar Neutrinos: Status and Prospects    [PDF]

W. C. Haxton. R. G. Hamish Robertson, Aldo M. Serenelli

1208.5737 (C. E. Aalseth et al.)

CoGeNT: A Search for Low-Mass Dark Matter using p-type Point Contact
Germanium Detectors

C. E. Aalseth, P. S. Barbeau, J. Colaresi, J. I. Collar, J. Diaz Leon, J. E. Fast, N. E. Fields, T. W. Hossbach, A. Knecht, M. S. Kos, M. G. Marino, H. S. Miley, M. L. Miller, J. L. Orrell, K. M. Yocum

1208.5762 (The XENON Collaboration et al.)

Comment on "On the subtleties of searching for dark matter with liquid
xenon detectors"

The XENON Collaboration, E. Aprile, M. Alfonsi, K. Arisaka, F. Arneodo, C. Balan, L. Baudis, B. Bauermeister, A. Behrens, P. Beltrame, K. Bokeloh, E. Brown, G. Bruno, R. Budnik, J. M. R. Cardoso, W. -T. Chen, B. Choi, D. Cline, A. P. Colijn, H. Contreras, J. P. Cussonneau, M. P. Decowski, E. Duchovni, S. Fattori, A. D. Ferella, W. Fulgione, F. Gao, M. Garbini, C. Ghag, K. -L. Giboni, L. W. Goetzke, C. Grignon, E. Gross, W. Hampel, F. Kaether, A. Kish, J. Lamblin, H. Landsman, R. F. Lang, M. Le Calloch, C. Levy, K. E. Lim, Q. Lin, S. Lindemann, M. Lindner, J. A. M. Lopes, K. Lung, T. Marrodan Undagoitia, F. V. Massoli, A. J. Melgarejo Fernandez, Y. Meng, A. Molinario, E. Nativ, K. Ni, U. Oberlack, S. E. A. Orrigo, E. Pantic, R. Persiani, G. Plante, N. Priel, A. Rizzo, S. Rosendahl, J. M. F. dos Santos, G. Sartorelli, J. Schreiner, M. Schumann, L. Scotto Lavina, P. R. Scovell, M. Selvi, P. Shagin, H. Simgen, A. Teymourian, D. Thers, O. Vitells, H. Wang, M. Weber, C. Weinheimer