Tuesday, February 12, 2013

1302.2146 (Joshua Berger et al.)

The Same-Sign Dilepton Signature of RPV/MFV SUSY    [PDF]

Joshua Berger, Maxim Perelstein, Michael Saelim, Philip Tanedo

1302.2171 (Romulus Godang)

Search For New Physics at BABAR    [PDF]

Romulus Godang

1302.2195 (P. Ko et al.)

Top Forward-backward asymmetry at the Tevatron vs. Charge asymmetry at
the LHC in chiral $U(1)'$ models with flavored Higgs fields

P. Ko, Yuji Omura, Chaehyun Yu

1302.2205 (V. Chiochia et al.)

Studies of rare B hadron decays to leptons at hadron colliders    [PDF]

V. Chiochia, on behalf of the ATLAS, CDF, CMS, D0 collaborations

1302.2332 (Xiaofeng Luo et al.)

Techniques in the Moment Analysis of Net-proton Multiplicity
Distributions in Heavy-Ion Collisions

Xiaofeng Luo, Ji Xu, Bedangadas Mohanty, Nu Xu

1302.2372 (Jiajun Liao et al.)

Seesaw mechanism with four texture zeros in the neutrino Yukawa matrix    [PDF]

Jiajun Liao, D. Marfatia, K. Whisnant

1302.2394 (CMS Collaboration)

Study of the underlying event at forward rapidity in pp collisions at
sqrt(s) = 0.9, 2.76, and 7 TeV

CMS Collaboration

1302.2409 (Rupert Leitner)

The Experimental Status of $θ_{13}$ from the Point of View of the
Electron (Anti-) Neutrino Disappearance Experiments

Rupert Leitner

1302.2431 (T. N. Pham)

Pion as a Longitudinal Axial-Vector Meson $q\bar{q}$ Bound State    [PDF]

T. N. Pham

1302.2469 (J. Brooke et al.)

Performance of the CMS Level-1 Trigger    [PDF]

J. Brooke, on behalf of the CMS Collaboration