Tuesday, April 23, 2013

1304.5400 (Miloslav Svec)

Study of piN->pipiN processes on polarized targets II.: The prediction
of rho^0(770)-f_0(980) spin mixing

Miloslav Svec
In Part I. of this work we have presented evidence that the measured relative phases of transversity amplitudes in piN->pipiN processes differ from those predicted by the unitary evolution law. We ascribed this difference to a non-unitary interaction of the produced final state rho_f(S) with a universal quantum environment in the Universe. This new kind of interaction must be a pure dephasing interaction. If the quantum environment is to be an integral part of the Nature then its dephasing interactions must be fully consistent with the Standard Model. In this work we impose on the dephasing interaction the requirements of the conservation of the identities and four-momenta of the final state particles, Lorentz symmetry, P-parity and the conservation of total angular momentum and isospin. From this consistency alone we find that in piN->pipiN the dephasing interaction must be a dipion spin mixing interaction. The theory predicts rho^0(770)-f_0(980) mixing in the S- and P-wave amplitudes in pi(-)p->pi(-)pi(+)n. The predicted moduli and relative phases are in agreement with experimental results. The spin mixing of S-matrix amplitudes to form new observable amplitudes is a new phenomenon beyond the Standard Model. It is our conjecture that the pure dephasing interaction describes the non-standard interaction of baryonic matter with dark matter and dark energy which we identify with the quantum environment.
View original: http://arxiv.org/abs/1304.5400

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