Tuesday, June 5, 2012

1206.0293 (Tianjun Li et al.)

Non-trivial Supersymmetry Correlations between ATLAS and CMS

Tianjun Li, James A. Maxin, Dimitri V. Nanopoulos, Joel W. Walker
We present definite correlations between the CMS 5 \fb all-hadronic search employing the stransverse mass variable $M_{T2}$ and the ATLAS 5 \fb all-hadronic and multijet supersymmetry (SUSY) searches, suggesting the possibility that both the ATLAS and CMS experiments are already registering a faint but legitimate SUSY signal at the LHC. We isolate this prospective mutual productivity beyond the Standard Model in the framework of the supersymmetric No-Scale Flipped $SU$(5) grand unified theory, supplemented with extra vector-like matter (flippons). Evident overproduction is observed in three CMS \mt2 and four ATLAS hadronic and multijet signal regions, where a \x2 fitting procedure of the CMS 5 \fb \mt2 search establishes a best fit SUSY mass in sharp agreement with corresponding ATLAS searches of equivalently heightened signal significance. We believe this correlated behavior across two distinct experiments at precisely the same SUSY mass scale to be highly non-trivial, and potentially indicative of an existing 5 \fb LHC reach into a pervasive physical supersymmetry framework.
View original: http://arxiv.org/abs/1206.0293

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