Monday, September 3, 2012

1208.6297 (Tommy Ohlsson et al.)

Running of Neutrino Parameters and the Higgs Self-Coupling in a
Six-Dimensional UED Model

Tommy Ohlsson, Stella Riad
We investigate a six-dimensional universal extra-dimensional model in the extension of an effective neutrino mass operator. We derive the \beta-functions and renormalization group equations for the Yukawa couplings, the Higgs self-coupling, and the effecive neutrino mass operator in this model. Especially, we focus on the renormalization group running of physical parameters such as the Higgs self-coupling and the leptonic mixing angles. The recent measurements of the Higgs boson mass by the ATLAS and CMS collaborations at the LHC as well as the current three-flavor global fits of neutrino oscillation data have been taken into account. We set a bound on the six-dimensional model, using the vacuum stability criterion, that allows five Kaluza-Klein modes only, which leads to a strong limit on the cutoff scale. Furthermore, we find that the leptonic mixing angle \theta_{12} shows the most sizable running, and that the running of the angles \theta_{13} and \theta_{23} are negligible. Finally, it turns out that the findings in this six-dimensional model are comparable with what is achieved in the corresponding five-dimensional model, but the cutoff scale is significantly smaller, which means that it could be detectable in a closer future.
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