Monday, September 3, 2012

1201.3047 (Rathin Adhikari et al.)

Non-standard interaction in neutrino oscillations and recent Daya Bay,
T2K experiments

Rathin Adhikari, Sabyasachi Chakraborty, Arnab Dasgupta, Sourov Roy
We study the possible constraints on non-standard interaction(NSIs) in a model independent way by considering the recent results from T2K and Daya Bay neutrino oscillations experiments. Using perturbation method we present generic formulas (suitable for T2K baseline and for large $\theta_{13}$ as evident from Daya Bay) for the probability of oscillation for $\nu_\mu \rightarrow \nu_e$, taking into account NSIs at source ($\epsilon^s$), detector ($\epsilon^d$) and during propagation ($\epsilon^m$) of neutrinos through matter. Two separate cases of perturbation with small (slightly large) NSI ($\epsilon_{\alpha\beta}^m \sim 0.03(0.18)$) are discussed in detail. Using various possible presently allowed NSI values we reanalyze numerically the $\theta_{13} - \delta$ allowed region given by recent T2K experimental data. We obtain model independent constraints on NSIs in the $\delta-\epsilon_{\alpha\beta}^m$ plane using the $\theta_{13}$ value as measured by Daya Bay, where $\delta$ is the CP violating phase. Depending on $\delta$ values significant constraints on $\epsilon_{e\tau}$ and $\epsilon_{\tau\tau}$, in particular, are possible for both hierarchies of neutrino masses. Corresponding to T2K's 66% confidence level result, the constraints on $\epsilon_{\tau\tau}$ is shown to be independent of any $\delta$ value.
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