Monday, March 5, 2012

1203.0155 (L. Dorame et al.)

A new neutrino mass sum rule from inverse seesaw    [PDF]

L. Dorame, S. Morisi, E. Peinado, Alma D. Rojas, J. W. F. Valle
A class of discrete flavor-symmetry-based models predicts constrained neutrino mass matrix schemes that lead to specific neutrino mass sum-rules (MSR). One of these implies in a lower bound on the effective neutrinoless double beta mass parameter, even for normal hierarchy neutrinos. Here we propose a new model based on the S4 flavor symmetry that leads to the new neutrino mass sum-rule and discuss how to generate a nonzero value for the reactor mixing angle indicated by recent experiments, and the resulting correlation with the solar mixing angle.
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