Paolo Nason, Bryan Webber
We review the methods developed for combining the parton shower approximation
to QCD with fixed-order perturbation theory, in such a way as to achieve
next-to-leading-order (NLO) accuracy for inclusive observables. This has made
it possible to generate fully-simulated hadronic final states with the
precision and stability of NLO calculations. We explain the underlying theory
of the existing methods, MC@NLO and POWHEG, together with their similarities,
differences, achievements and limitations. For illustration we mainly compare
results on Higgs boson production at the LHC, with particular emphasis on the
residual uncertainties arising from the different treatment of effects beyond
NLO. We also briefly summarize the difference between these NLO + parton shower
methods and matrix-element + parton shower matching, and current efforts to
combine the two approaches.
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