Tuesday, February 7, 2012

1112.0110 (M. De Gerone et al.)

Development and commissioning of the Timing Counter for the MEG

M. De Gerone, S. Dussoni, K. Fratini, F. Gatti, R. Valle, G. Boca, P. W. Cattaneo, R. Nardò, M. Rossella, L. Galli, M. Grassi, D. Nicolò, Y. Uchiyama, D. Zanello
The Timing Counter of the MEG (Mu to Electron Gamma) experiment is designed
to deliver trigger information and to accurately measure the timing of the
$e^+$ in searching for the decay $\mu^+ \rightarrow e^+\gamma$. It is part of a
magnetic spectrometer with the $\mu^+$ decay target in the center. It consists
of two sectors upstream and downstream the target, each one with two layers:
the inner one made with scintillating fibers read out by APDs for trigger and
track reconstruction, the outer one consisting in scintillating bars read out
by PMTs for trigger and time measurement. The design criteria, the obtained
performances and the commissioning of the detector are presented herein.
View original: http://arxiv.org/abs/1112.0110

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