Tuesday, February 21, 2012

1201.1653 (The CALICE Collaboration)

Construction and performance of a silicon photomultiplier/extruded
scintillator tail-catcher and muon-tracker

The CALICE Collaboration
A prototype module for an International Linear Collider (ILC) detector was
built, installed, and tested between 2006 and 2009 at CERN and Fermilab as part
of the CALICE test beam program, in order to study the possibilities of
extending energy sampling behind a hadronic calorimeter and to study the
possibilities of providing muon tracking. The "tail catcher/muon tracker"
(TCMT) is composed of 320 extruded scintillator strips (dimensions 1000 mm x 50
mm x 5 mm) packaged in 16 one-meter square planes interleaved between steel
plates. The scintillator strips were read out with wavelength shifting fibers
and silicon photomultipliers. The planes were arranged with alternating
horizontal and vertical strip orientations. Data were collected for muons and
pions in the energy range 6 GeV to 80 GeV. Utilizing data taken in 2006, this
paper describes the design and construction of the TCMT, performance
characteristics, and a beam-based evaluation of the ability of the TCMT to
improve hadronic energy resolution in a prototype ILC detector. For a typical
configuration of an ILC detector with a coil situated outside a calorimeter
system with a thickness of 5.5 nuclear interaction lengths, a TCMT would
improve relative energy resolution by 6-16 % for pions between 20 and 80 GeV.
View original: http://arxiv.org/abs/1201.1653

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