Tuesday, June 11, 2013

1306.1995 (A. N. Ivanov et al.)

Deficit of reactor antineutrinos at distances smaller than 100 m and
inverse beta-decay

A. N. Ivanov, R. Hollwieser, N. I. Troitskaya, M. Wellenzohn, O. M. Zherebtsov, A. P. Serebrov
We analyse a change of a deficit of reactor antineutrinos at distances smaller than 100 m by changing the lifetime of the neutron from tau_n = 885.7 s to tau_n = 879.6 s, calculated for the axial coupling constants lambda = - 1.2694 and lambda = - 1.2750, respectively, in order to get a result corresponding the new world average value tau_n = 880.1(1.1) s. We calculate the angular distribution and cross section for the inverse beta-decay, taking into account the contributions of the "weak magnetism" and the neutron recoil to next-to-leading order in the large baryon mass expansion and the radiative corrections of order alpha/\pi ~ 10^(-3), calculated to leading order in the large baryon mass expansion. We obtain an increase of a deficit of reactor antineutrinos in of about 0.734%.
View original: http://arxiv.org/abs/1306.1995

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