Wednesday, April 17, 2013

1304.4494 (E. Accomando et al.)

Uncovering quasi-degenerate Kaluza-Klein Electro-Weak gauge bosons with
top asymmetries at the LHC

E. Accomando, K. Mimasu, S. Moretti
By exploiting the correlation between charge and spin polarisation asymmetries in t-tbar, we show that combining the two observables could identify the presence of quasi-degenerate states in a resonant signal at the LHC. As an example, we investigate experimental signatures emerging in top-antitop final states in the context of a model where the Standard Model Electro-Weak sector is allowed to propagate in large extra-dimensions of TeV^{-1} size while the colour sector is localised. Assuming current experimantal constraints from the 7 and 8 TeV runs and taking into account the estimated top (anti-top) reconstruction efficiencies, we find that the 14 TeV upgraded LHC with the planned integrated luminosity L=100 fb^{-1} could access these quasi-degenerate multiple resonances and explore for the first time the rich phenomenology in the asymmetry observables. The main outcome would be having measurable quantities, complementary to the usual total and differential cross sections, capable of distiguishing a quasi-degenerate multiply resonant spectrum from a `standard' single resonance that could present a similar signal in a bump hunt analysis.
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