Thursday, March 28, 2013

1303.6918 (K. S. Babu et al.)

Post-Sphaleron Baryogenesis and an Upper Limit on the
Neutron-Antineutron Oscillation Time

K. S. Babu, P. S. Bhupal Dev, Elaine C. F. S. Fortes, R. N. Mohapatra
A new scenario for baryogenesis has been proposed wherein the baryon asymmetry of the universe is produced below the electroweak phase transition temperature after the sphaleron processes have gone out of equilibrium. This mechanism, termed post-sphaleron baryogenesis (PSB), arises naturally in quark-lepton unified models based on the gauge symmetry SU(2)_L x SU(2)_R x SU(4)_c realized in the multi-TeV scale. These models embed naturally the seesaw mechanism for neutrino masses, and predict color-sextet scalar particles in the TeV range which may be accessible to the LHC experiments. A necessary consequence of this scenario is the baryon number violating \Delta B=2 process of neutron-antineutron (n-\bar{n}) oscillations. In this paper we show that the constraints of PSB, when combined with the neutrino oscillation data and restrictions from flavor changing neutral currents mediated by the colored scalars imply an upper limit on the n-\bar{n} oscillation time of 5 x 10^{10} sec. regardless of the quark-lepton unification scale. If this scale is relatively low, in the (200-250) TeV range, \tau_{n-\bar{n}} is predicted to be less than 10^{10} sec., which is accessible to the next generation of proposed experiments.
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