Wednesday, March 20, 2013

1303.4405 (Xiaohui Liu et al.)

Reducing theoretical uncertainties for exclusive Higgs plus one-jet
production at the LHC

Xiaohui Liu, Frank Petriello
We resum a class of large Sudakov logarithms affecting Higgs boson production in the exclusive one-jet bin at the LHC. We extend previous results by calculating the full one-loop soft function for this process, which extends the accuracy of the resummation to include the leading three logarithmic corrections at each order in the QCD coupling constant. We match this result to the next-to-leading order cross section and present a detailed numerical study assuming realistic LHC cuts. Careful attention is paid to the matching procedure, and to the theoretical uncertainties induced by residual scale variation. We find that the matched NLL'+ NLO cross section has significantly smaller uncertainties than the fixed-order result, and can be used to alleviate the theoretical errors hindering current Higgs analyses at the LHC.
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