Friday, February 22, 2013

1302.5381 (M. V. Garzelli et al.)

Top-antitop pair hadroproduction in association with a heavy boson at
the NLO QCD accuracy + Parton Shower

M. V. Garzelli, A. Kardos, C. G. Papadopoulos, Z. Trocsanyi
The PowHel framework allows to make predictions of total and differential cross-sections of multiparticle hadroproduction processes at both NLO QCD accuracy and NLO QCD matched to Parton Shower, on the basis of the interface between the POWHEG-BOX and HELAC-NLO codes. It has already been applied to study several processes involving a top-antitop pair in association with a third particle or hadronic jet. Our most recent predictions concern top-antitop-V hadroproduction (with V = W or Z), at both parton and hadron level, by considering different decay channels (hadronic and leptonic) of the heavy particles. In particular, we show the results of our phenomenological analyses under the same system of cuts also recently adopted by the CMS collaboration at LHC.
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