Tuesday, February 5, 2013

1302.0052 (Liu Wen et al.)

Precise QCD predictions on $W_HZ_H$ production in the Littlest Higgs
Model with T parity at LHC

Liu Wen, Zhang Ren-You, Guo Lei, Ma Wen-Gan, Chen Liang-Wen
We investigate the effects of the littlest Higgs model with $T$ parity up to the QCD next-to-leading order (NLO) on the $W_H^{\pm} Z_H$ productions at the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC), and discuss the kinematic distributions of final decay products and the theoretical dependence of the cross section on the factorization/renormalization scale. We find the QCD NLO corrections reduce the scale uncertainty of the leading order cross section in case of $\mu_F=\mu_R$. By adopting the PROSPINO subtraction scheme (scheme (II)) in analysing the QCD NLO contributions, we can obtain the numerical results which keep the convergence of the perturbative QCD description. Our results by adopting scheme (II) at the $14 {\rm TeV}$ ($8 {\rm TeV}$) LHC show that the $K$-factor for the $W_H^+ Z_H$ production varies in the range of $1.01 \sim 1.10$ ($1.00 \sim 1.08$), while the $K$-factor for the $W_H^- Z_H$ production varies in the range of $1.11 \sim 1.13$ ($1.11 \sim 1.12$), when the global symmetry breaking scale $f$ goes from $400 {\rm GeV}$ to $1.5 {\rm TeV}$ ($1 {\rm TeV}$).
View original: http://arxiv.org/abs/1302.0052

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