1301.7572 (Matthew Wing)
Matthew Wing
After fifteen years of running and a further five years of analysis, the final inclusive deep inelastic scattering cross sections from H1 and ZEUS have been published. Measurements of neutral current and charged current processes in ep collisions at HERA are presented. These provide us with the most valuable information on the structure of the proton, which tells us about the fundamental structure of matter and is essential for understanding processes at proton colliders such as the Large Hadron Collider. The measurements also demonstrate the chiral structure of the weak force and give a beautiful demonstration of the unification of the electromagnetic and weak forces. The new data will be presented in detail and comparisons with the latest predictions of the Standard Model shown. The H1 and ZEUS collaborations have also performed fits of the parton distribution functions in the proton; the results of these fits will also be presented.
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