Friday, January 4, 2013

1301.0090 (Xiao-Fang Han et al.)

Little Higgs theory confronted with the LHC Higgs data    [PDF]

Xiao-Fang Han, Lei Wang, Jin Min Yang, Jingya Zhu
We confront the little Higgs theory with the LHC Higgs search data (up to 17 fb$^{-1}$ of the combined 7 TeV and 8 TeV run). Considering some typical models, namely the littlest Higgs model (LH), the littlest Higgs model with T-parity (LHT-A and LHT-B) and the simplest little Higgs model (SLH), we scan over the parameter space in the region allowed by current experiments. We find that in these models the diphoton and $ZZ^*$ signal rates of the Higgs boson are always suppressed and approach to the SM predictions for a large scale $f$. Thus, the $ZZ^*$ signal rate is within the $1\sigma$ range of the experimental data while the diphoton signal rate is always outside the $2\sigma$ range. Especially, in the LHT-A the diphoton signal rate is outside the $3\sigma$ range of the experimental data for $f < 800$ GeV. We also perform a global $\chi^2$ fit to the available LHC and Tevatron Higgs data, and find that these models provide no better fit than the SM.
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