Monday, November 19, 2012

1211.3957 (Elliot Leader)

A critical assessment of the angular momentum sum rules    [PDF]

Elliot Leader
There are now five angular momentum relations or sum rules in the literature: the Jaffe, Manohar relation for a longitudinally polarized nucleon, and the Bakker, Leader, Trueman result for the case of transverse polarization; the Ji relation for longitudinal polarization, and the Leader result for transverse polarization, both involving generalized parton distributions; and a new sum rule due to Ji, Xiong and Yuan dealing with the transverse component of the Pauli-Lubanski vector. I discuss these various relations and examine their precise interpretation in the light of the so-called "angular momentum controversy". In particular, I show that the claim of Ji, Xiong and Yuan that their Pauli-Lubanski relation is frame or energy independent is incorrect, and that they have missed an energy dependent term in their expression.
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