Monday, November 12, 2012

1211.1980 (Ayres Freitas et al.)

Higgs CP Properties From Early LHC Data    [PDF]

Ayres Freitas, Pedro Schwaller
In this paper, we constrain CP violation in the Higgs sector using the measured signal strengths in the various Higgs search channels. To this end, we introduce a general parameterization for a resonance which is an admixture of a CP-even Higgs-like state and a CP-odd scalar. By performing a fit to the available data from the Tevatron and LHC experiments one obtains constraints on the mixing angle and the couplings of the resonance to Standard Model fields. Depending on the couplings, sizable mixing angles are still compatible with the data, but small mixing is in general preferred by the fit. In particular we find that a pure CP-odd state is disfavored by the current data at the 3 sigma level. Additionally we consider a mixed fermiophobic resonance and a model with two degenerate mixed resonances and find that both scenarios can successfully fit the data within current errors. Finally, we estimate that the mixing angle can be constrained to \alpha < 1.1 (0.7) in the full 8 TeV (14 TeV) run of the LHC.
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