Friday, November 9, 2012

1211.1693 (Kamila Kowalska et al.)

The Constrained NMSSM with a 125 GeV Higgs boson -- A global analysis    [PDF]

Kamila Kowalska, Shoaib Munir, Leszek Roszkowski, Enrico Maria Sessolo, Sebastian Trojanowski, Yue-Lin Sming Tsai
We present the first global analysis of the Constrained NMSSM that investigates the impact of the recent discovery of a 125 GeV Higgs-like boson, of limits on supersymmetry from ~5/fb of data accumulated at the LHC, as well as of other relevant constraints from colliders, flavor physics and dark matter. We consider three possible cases, assuming in turn that the discovered Higgs boson is: i) the lightest Higgs boson of the model; ii) the next-to-lightest Higgs boson; and iii) a combination of both roughly degenerate in mass. The likelihood function for the Higgs signal uses signal rates in the \gamma\gamma\ and ZZ --> 4l channels, while that for the Higgs exclusion limits assumes decay through the \gamma\gamma, \tau\tau, ZZ and W^+W^- channels. In all cases considered we identify the 68% and 95% credible posterior probability regions in a Bayesian approach. We find that, when the constraints are applied with their respective uncertainties, the first case shows strong CMSSM-like behavior, with the stau coannihilation region featuring highest posterior probability, the best-fit point, a correct mass of the lightest Higgs boson and the lighter stop mass in the ballpark of 1 TeV. We also expose in this region a linear relationship between the trilinear couplings of the stau and the stop, with both of them being strongly negative as required by the Higgs mass and the relic density which outside of the stau coannihilation region show some tension. Without the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon the fit improves considerably, especially for negative effective \mu\ parameter. The second and the third cases, on the other hand, while allowed are disfavored by the constraints from direct detection of dark matter and from BR(B_s->\mu^+\mu^-). We discuss how the considered scenarios could be further tested at the LHC and in dark matter searches.
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