Tuesday, October 16, 2012

1210.3679 (Jose R. Alonso et al.)

High Current H2+ Cyclotrons for Neutrino Physics: The IsoDAR and DAE
δALUS Projects

Jose R. Alonso, for the DAE δALUS Collaboration
Using H2+ ions is expected to mitigate the two major impediments to accelerating very high currents in cyclotrons, due to lower space charge at injection, and stripping extraction. Planning for peak currents of 10 particle milliamps at 800 MeV/amu, these cyclotrons can generate adequate neutrino fluxes for Decay-At-Rest (DAR) studies of neutrino oscillation and CP violation. The Injector Cyclotron, at 60 MeV/amu can also provide adequate fluxes of electron antineutrinos from 8Li decay for sterile neutrino searches in existing liquid scintillator detectors at KamLAND or SNO+. This paper outlines programs for designing and building these machines.
View original: http://arxiv.org/abs/1210.3679

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