Wednesday, October 10, 2012

1210.2637 (D. Binosi et al.)

Scalar Resonances in the Non-linearly Realized Electroweak Theory    [PDF]

D. Binosi, A. Quadri
We introduce a physical scalar sector in a SU(2)xU(1) electroweak theory in which the gauge group is realized non linearly. By invoking theoretical as well as experimental constraints, we build a phenomenologically viable model in which a minimum of four scalar resonances appear, and the mass of the CP even scalar is controlled by a vacuum expectation value; however, the masses of all other particles (both matter as well as vector boson fields) are unrelated to spontaneous symmetry breaking and generated by the St\"uckelberg mechanism. We evaluate in this model the CP-even scalar decay rate to two photons and use this amplitude to perform a preliminary comparison with the recent LHC measurements. As a result, we find that the model exhibits a preference for a negative Yukawa coupling between the top quark and the CP-even resonance.
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