Li Xiao-Zhou, Duan Peng-Fei, Ma Wen-Gan, Zhang Ren-You, Guo Lei
We investigate the effect induced by the Kaluza-Klein (KK) graviton in the $W^+W^-\gamma/Z$ production in the framework of the large extra dimensions (LED) model at both the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC) and the International Linear Collider (ILC). The integrated cross sections and various kinematic distributions in the LED model are presented and compared with those in the standard model. The results show that the contributions from KK-graviton exchange remarkably affect the observables of the triple gauge boson ($W^+W^-\gamma/Z$) production processes at both the ILC and the LHC, particularly either in the high transverse momentum region or in the central rapidity region. We also find that the relative LED discrepancy for the $W^+W^-\gamma/Z$ production at the LHC is generally larger than that at the ILC due to the additional LED contribution via $gg$ fusion subprocess and the KK-graviton exchanging resonant effect induced by the continuous large colliding energy in $pp$ collision. We conclude that the $W^{+}W^{-}\gamma$ and $W^{+}W^{-}Z$ productions at the LHC could have the distinct advantage over at the ILC from the aspect of effectively exploring the LED signal in measuring $W^+W^-\gamma/Z$ production.
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