Wednesday, September 5, 2012

1209.0215 (Zini Rahman et al.)

Discovery limit of CP violating Phase $δ$ in oscillation experiment
using neutrino beam from electron capture

Zini Rahman, Rathin Adhikari
Using the current value of $\theta_{13}$ obtained from Daya Bay experiment we discuss the discovery reach of CP violating phase $\delta$ using a neutrino beam from electron capture process considering two baselines- 250Km and 600 Km. We use Water Cherenkov detector. We find that even at $5 \sigma$ confidence level CP violation could be found for about 95% (90%) of the possible $\delta$ values for a baseline of 250 km (600 Km) for both the neutrino mass hierarchies in contrast to about 45% of the possible $\delta $ values for 130 Km baseline using superbeam as both neutrino and antineutrino sources. It is also found that the precision of sensitivity of measurement of $\delta $ from electron capture process are quite good for certain true values of $\delta$ - particularly for 250 Km baseline the precision could be as good as 0.95% and 3.26% for $\delta (true)$ = $0^\circ$ and $90^\circ$ respectively in contrast to precision of about 18.75% and 18.36% for superbeam with both neutrino and antineutrino sources at 130 Km CERN to Fr\'ejus baseline.
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