Radoje Belusevic, Toshiyasu Higo
We propose that a pair of electron linacs with high accelerating gradients and an optical FEL be built at an existing laboratory. The linacs would employ CLIC-type rf cavities and a klystron-based power source; a two-beam scheme could be implemented at a later stage. The proposed facility would serve primarily as an e+e-/gamma-gamma Higgs-boson factory. The rich set of final states in e+e- and gamma-gamma collisions would play an essential role in measuring the mass, spin, parity, two-photon width and trilinear self-coupling of the Higgs-boson, as well as its couplings to fermions and gauge bosons. These quantities are difficult to determine with only one initial state. For some processes within and beyond the Standard Model, the required CM energy is considerably lower at the proposed facility than at an e+e- or proton collider.
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