Friday, July 20, 2012

1207.4571 (V. Barger et al.)

IceCube Neutrino Initiated Cascade Events: PeV Electron-antineutrinos at
Glashow Resonance

V. Barger, J. Learned, S. Pakvasa
We propose an interpretation of the two neutrino initiated cascade events with PeV energies observed by IceCube: Ultra high energy cosmic ray protons scatter on CMB photons through the Delta-resonance (the Berezinsky-Zatsepin process) yielding charged pions and neutrons. The neutron decays give electron-antineutrinos which undergo neutrino oscillations to populate all antineutrino flavors; however, electron-antineutrinos can remain dominant. At 6.3 PeV energy their annihilations on electrons in the IceCube detector is enhanced by the Glashow resonance (the W-boson) whose decays to hadrons give the showers observed in the IceCube detector. This interpretation can be tested in the near term and it has significant physics implications for cosmic neutrinos and their detection.
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