Friday, July 6, 2012

1207.1324 (Amol Dighe et al.)

How large can the branching ratio of $B_s \to τ^+ τ^-$ be ?    [PDF]

Amol Dighe, Diptimoy Ghosh
Motivated by the large like-sign dimuon charge asymmetry observed recently, whose explanation would require an enhanced decay rate of $B_s \to \tau^+ \tau^-$, we explore how large a branching ratio of this decay mode is allowed by the present constraints. We use bounds from the lifetimes of $B_d$ and $B_s$, constraints from the branching ratios of related $b \to s \tau^+ \tau^-$ modes, as well as measurements of the mass difference, width difference and CP-violating phase in the $B_s$-$\bar{B}_s$ system. Using an effective field theory approach, we show that a branching ratio as high as 15% may be allowed while being consistent with the above constraints. The model with a scalar leptoquark cannot increase the branching ratio to a per cent level. However, an enhancement up to 5% is possible in the model with an extremely light $Z'$ with flavor-dependent interactions, even after all the couplings are taken to be perturbative. This however cannot account for the dimuon anomaly completely by itself.
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