Monday, July 2, 2012

1206.7110 (Bernd A. Kniehl et al.)

Low-mass Higgs decays to four leptons at one loop and beyond    [PDF]

Bernd A. Kniehl, Oleg L. Veretin
The ongoing searches for Higgs-boson signals in data taken at the CERN LHC and the Fermilab Tevatron crucially rely on the decay channels H -> Z l l and H -> W l nu. We present a precision study of the partial widths of these decay channels including the full one-loop electroweak corrections and the dominant contributions at two and three loops, of O(G_F^2 m_t^4), O(G_F m_t^2 alpha_s), and O(G_F m_t^2 alpha_s^2). Since the invariant mass of the off-shell intermediate boson is relatively low in the mass window 115 GeV < m_H < 129 GeV of current interest, lepton mass effects are relevant, especially for the tau lepton.
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