Wednesday, April 4, 2012

1204.0415 (Pritibhajan Byakti et al.)

Magic Messengers in Gauge Mediation and signal for 125 GeV boosted Higgs

Pritibhajan Byakti, Diptimoy Ghosh
We consider the most general renormalizable messenger sector with magic messenger fields instead of usual SU(5) complete multiplets. We derive the soft supersymmetry breaking terms and show that the gaugino sector can be parameterized by only two parameters. These parameters can be chosen appropriately to obtain various patterns of gaugino masses and different ratios among them. The sfermion sector can also be characterized by two independent parameters which can be adjusted to change the relative masses of squarks and sleptons. A judicious choice of parameters also allows us to achieve the lightest Higgs boson mass about 125 GeV. In this paper we focus on a scenario where a comparatively large hierarchy exists between the U(1) and SU(2) gaugino mass parameters. In such a case, the lightest Higgs boson originating from the decay of the next-to-lightest neutralino, following the direct production of chargino neutralino pair, can be considerably boosted. We show that a boosted Supersymmetric Higgs signal with a decent signal to background ratio can be obtained using the jet substructure technique at LHC with 8 TeV center of mass energy and an integrated luminosity of about 30 fb^-1.
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