Thursday, March 29, 2012

1203.6012 (Vernon Barger et al.)

Neutrino mass hierarchy and octant determination with atmospheric

Vernon Barger, Raj Gandhi, Pomita Ghoshal, Srubabati Goswami, Danny Marfatia, Suprabh Prakash, Sushant K. Raut, S Uma Sankar
The recent 5.2-sigma discovery of nonzero \theta_{13} by the Daya Bay experiment, and the concurrent indication that \theta_{13} is relatively large, significantly impacts existing experiments and the planning of future detectors. In many scenarios, the nonzero value of \theta_{13} implies that \theta_{23} is likely to be different from \pi/4. Additionally, since \theta_{13} is not tiny, large detectors will be sensitive to matter effects on the oscillations of atmospheric neutrinos. This renders them capable of addressing, without assistance from beam experiments, the nature of the neutrino mass hierarchy and the octant of \theta_{23}. We show that a 50 kT Liquid Argon atmospheric neutrino detector can determine both the hierarchy and the octant with high significance in moderate exposure times.
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